On June 17th, PRP was proud to produce the Official Launch of the FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada 2015’s Official Mascot. Shuéme, a great white owl, was introduced at the Canadian Museum of Nature in the nation’s capital, Ottawa. In a tribute to both of Canada’s official languages, her name, Shuéme, is inspired by the French word for owl (chouette). The great white owl has been an important symbol throughout Canada’s history and the colours worn by Shuéme symbolize fair play and peace.

14422138566_f00a99b9ae_oIn Ottawa, Shuéme was introduced to Mrs. Laureen Harper by young host Sarah, an 11-year old soccer player. The Minister of State (Sport), the honourable Bal Gosal; CEO for the FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada 2015, Peter Montopoli and Canadian Soccer star and Event Ambassador, Kara Lang were also in attendance at the reveal along with dozens of young female soccer players, aged 5 to 11. Shuéme swooped into the reveal amid excited cheers and lots of hugs.

Following the event in Ottawa, Shuéme flew to the west coast and surprised soccer fans at the Canada vs. Germany match in Vancouver the next day. Shuéme was escorted to centre field by a team of young soccer players who quickly became fans of the Official Mascot. This young owl is sure to become a familiar sight across Canada in the months leading up the FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada 2015.

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